Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Grammar #6- That vs. Which

I never really knew the "rules" for that vs. which, but now that I do it makes sense when I write. Before I would just write what I thought sounded okay, but it wasn't always corret. These are the rules for That vs. Which and for examples click HERE.

Rule 1.
Who refers to people. That and which refer to groups or things.

Rule 2.
That introduces essential clauses while which introduces nonessential clauses.

Rule 3.
If this, that, these, or those has already introduced an essential clause, you may use which to introduce the next clause, whether it is essential or nonessential.


  1. Thanks for the post. I had never thoght about the rule for that vs. Which. It makes a lot of sense now.

  2. I for one struggle with keeping these rules right in my writing. Thanks for doing a grammar post about it. You made it well organized with precise thoughts which make it easy to read.

    Great Job! :)
